For Plant Show BuyersIt's optional, but we're asking you to RSVP and tell us what plants you are looking for and how you'd prefer to pay.
We'll use this information to help our sellers plan for the day. Remember that most sellers will not be able to accept payment by card. We have created a Facebook event page where you can post what you are looking for and connect with sellers or arrange a swap. |
For Plant Show SellersYou could just put your plants out on the day and hope for the best, but we'd love it if you could RSVP and tell us what you'll be selling.
In the RSVP form we're asking whether you'd be interested to be part of a catalog/ directory. If there's enough interest, we'll put this together and make it downloadable for buyers. We'll also make signage available, and downloadable to print at home. We're also looking into printing some yard signs for sellers to purchase so that we can take advantage of volume pricing. |