Our short summers in Minnesota make our outdoor space an important part of our homes. But as a state where we understand the value of the environment, an increasing number of people are now opting for more natural solutions. Organic lawn care uses safe, natural methods to care for a healthy yard without relying on toxic chemicals. Why choose organic, natural lawn care services over chemical?
Natural Environment. As far away as the Gulf of Mexico, where the Missisippi emerges, the effects on Minnesota watersheds are evident. Synthetic fertilizers and toxic pesticides, after spraying on your yard, pass through the soil, enter the ground water and can contaminate the watersheds here in the St Croix Valley and end up in the Mississippi Basin. By focusing on creating genuine soil fertility, an organic approach reduces the need for these substances.
Healthy Soil. Many years of treatment with pesticides removes the structure in soil that allows it to retain nutrients and water, and act as a sustainable ecosystem. This leads to a vicious circle where more and more pesticide and fertilizer applications are needed because the grasses in your lawn literally can not survive without them.
Drought and Pest Resistance. Organic practices focus on building a resilient lawn that can withstand stressors like an extra hot summer, periods of drought, and pests or disease. By fostering this natural resilience, costs and management are reduced in the long run, and it can be surprisingly cost effective to get started.
Safe and Healthy Homes. If your children play in your yard, or you or your neighbors grow vegetables outdoors, you may want to consider how to make sure it is a non-toxic environment. Synthetic pesticides and herbicides routinely used in Minnesota have been linked to health issues, including respiratory and skin problems, and even cancer. There are organic alternatives that mean you can create a safer environment.
Pollinators and Wildlife: Organic lawn care practices support pollinators and wildlife by providing a pesticide-free habitat. Bees, butterflies, birds, and other beneficial insects play a crucial role in pollination and maintaining a balanced ecosystem. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic garden spaces create a welcoming environment for these important creatures, contributing to overall biodiversity.
Water Conservation: We already have watering restrictions in Stillwater in the summer months. Organic methods prioritize water conservation by improving soil quality, enhancing water retention capacity and reducing irrigation needs, making lawns feel more sustainable and keeping our town beautiful.
By making a conscious decision to care for your home and garden with more organic practices, you contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for your family and the natural environment as a whole.